A new Ubuntu release means a new rundown of the most important post-install procedures you should perform.

This guide is (as always) aimed at those who are new to – or less experienced with – Ubuntu. Each item aims to enhance or improve the default Ubuntu 20.10 experience, not rip it out or remould it

I write a new “things to do…” list for each Ubuntu release rather than just update the old one. Why do I do that? Because the steps often change. Issues that needed post-install futzing last time may now be fixed.😉

Plus, there’s always something new to recommend.

Things to Do After You Install Ubuntu 20.10

1. See What’s New

Each version of Ubuntu is different to the last, and the latest offering is no exception. So before you scroll on to fine-tune dials and play with settings be sure to take a moment — 3 minutes and 7 seconds, specifically — to bring yourself up-to-speed on what’s new in Groovy Gorilla.

If you like the video above and want us to make more please do subscribe to our YouTube channel, and drop your video ideas down in the comments.

2. Install GNOME Tweaks

Tweaks can be thought of as a Swiss-army knife for the Ubuntu desktop. It let you (easily) access hidden settings so you can your fine-tune the desktop to suit your needs, wants, and whims.

This handy utility gives you options to:

  • Change GTK & icon theme
  • Move window buttons to the left
  • Change desktop font and font size
  • Automatically centre new windows
  • Show weekday in the clock label
  • Switch between Dynamic and Static workspaces

The app is free, open source software. You can grab it from the Ubuntu Software app, or by running sudo apt install gnome-tweaks in a new Terminal window.

All of the settings available in Tweaks can be accessed using the command-line too or using the (scary looking) dconf-editor tool should you prefer.

Install GNOME Tweaks on Ubuntu

3. Enable GNOME Extension Support

GNOME extensions give you an easy way to add to and extend the functionality of the Ubuntu desktop. From subtle enhancements (like making wifi, bluetooth, power, etc use separate menus) to dramatic changes (like combining the top bar and dock in to one panel), extensions are as versatile as they are diverse.

Our guide on how to install GNOME extensions on Ubuntu walks you through the full set-up process step, by step. It’s an easy process: install the browser extension, install the connector app, start using them!

To get the most from GNOME Extensions on Ubuntu I recommend you install the Extensions app. Search this out in the Ubuntu Software app by name or, to save time (Ubuntu Software is bit slow) open a terminal and run:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-prefs

The Extensions app makes it much easier to enable and disable GNOME extensions, access their settings panels (if available), and check for updates.

Install the Extensions App on Ubuntu

4. Show Battery Percentage in Top Bar

If you use Ubuntu on a laptop you’ll want to keep an eye on battery life. Ubuntu 20.10 makes it easier to see remaining battery percentage in the top bar with a new setting:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select ‘Power’
  3. Slide “Battery Percentage” setting to ‘on’

The change takes effect instantly. If you want to hide the battery percentage you can repeat the steps above, but slide the setting from ‘on’ -> ‘off’.

5. Expand Ubuntu’s Dark Mode

Ubuntu has a dark mode option, but it doesn’t make ALL of the desktop switch to a dark theme. It only affects the look of applications (GTK ones, specifically). If you’d like to make indicator menus, the message tray and calendar widget, and modal dialogs dark theme you can.

Our guide on how to enable full dark mode on Ubuntu runs through the whole process, which does require more effort than running a single command (sob).

Don’t let the hassle put you off; enabling true dark mode in Ubuntu is well worth the effort.

6. Enable Minimise on Click

minimise on click in ubuntu gif

My biggest pet peeve in Ubuntu is that minimise to click is not enabled. If you’re familiar with Microsoft Windows you will be used to clicking on an app in the taskbar to restore it (or being it in to focus) and clicking it again to minimise (hide) it.

Even the notoriously strict macOS makes it easy to enable this behaviour. Ubuntu, alas, doesn’t. Thankfully the option is available, it’s just hidden.

Run the following command in a new terminal window to turn “minimise on click” on:

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'

The change takes effect instantly.

7. Set Up Flatpak Support

Nifty new Linux apps are being created all the time, many of which are made available to install on Ubuntu (and other distros) as Flatpak apps through the Flathub store.

Ubuntu doesn’t support Flathub (or Flatpak, the format the store uses) by default so you need to enable it yourself — and it’s well worth doing. Lots of top-tier software we write about on this blog each week is made available through Flathub and, increasingly, only there.

Our guide on how install Flatpak on Ubuntu also walks through the steps you need to follow to enable Flathub on Ubuntu. Why do I recommend doing it just after you install Ubuntu? So that the second you see a cool new app on this blog you can go ahead and try it out!

8. Install ‘Desktop Icons NG’ Extension

Those icons you see on your desktop? They’re handled by a GNOME Shell extension that isn’t, er, very capable. It lacks basic features. You can’t, for instance, drag and drop files from Nautilus on to the desktop, or vice versa. Bizarre.

Thankfully a better version of this extension exists, maintained by the community. It’s called ‘desktop-icons-ng’ (or DING for short) and its free, works great, and—hurrah—lets you drag and drop things to your hearts’ content.

If you set up GNOME extensions (see Step 3) you’ll be ready to go ahead and install it (just remember to disable the old version first):

Desktop Icons NG on GNOME Extensions

If you encounter any issues while using DING you can open the Extensions manager app (see tip #3) and turn it off. But be sure to file bug reports to the developer on Gitlab.

9. Enable Extra Widgets

The message tray/notification is designed to be an activity hub. You use it to keep tabs on what apps are doing, what the date is, and any upcoming improvements.

But it can also show you a five hour weather forecast for a location of your choice, and as many world clocks as you like. We wrote about this little-known but hugely-useful earlier in the year.

You don’t need to do anything exotic to see weather and world clock widgets in the notification tray, either: you just have to install the Weather and/or Clocks apps.

sudo apt install gnome-weather gnome-clocks

After you install one of these (or both) open the message tray/calendar and follow on the on-screen prompts to set things up!

10. Get some extra-repo software

Selection of Ubuntu Apps

The software selection Ubuntu ships with is a pretty decent start but it’s far from exhaustive.

Our list of the best Ubuntu apps is packed with tonnes of alternatives to pre-installed software. Geary email client is a solid alternative to Thunderbird; OnlyOffice holds its own against LibreOffice; and Lollypop is a rambunctious replacement for Rhythmbox.

With repo apps, Snap apps, and Flatpak apps all available to you you’re spoilt for choice. Some top picks:

  • GIMP – a free image editor
  • Kdenlive – a powerful video editor
  • Spotify – cloud music streaming service
  • Foliate – a GTK ebook reader
  • Feeds – desktop RSS client
  • OBS Studio – stream to Twitch.tv

And that literally one scratches the surface. Whatever the challenge before you there’s probably a Linux app that can help you †make it on.


A few things I want to recommend you do, I can’t. GNOME Sushsi is a terrific little tool. It lets you preview images, videos, documents and more just by pressing the spacebar. Sadly it’s broken in GNOME 3.38, which Ubuntu 20.10 ships with.

But there you have it: my list of things I do after installing install Ubuntu. I’ve avoided listing anything that damages the core Ubuntu experience. If you find yourself needing to make too many changes you might be better off exploring a different Ubuntu flavour.

Be sure t let me know what your “must do” tasks are, down in the comments.