If you love using GNOME Shell but wish that it was easier to create and customise folders in the App View, here’s an app that might help.

Say hello to Meow, a GNOME menu manager application for Linux desktops.

Meow lets you easily create custom folders in the GNOME menu, re-order items in existing ones, and create new desktop entries by dragging an application (or a url) to the application’s main window.

App Screenshot

You can create your own application folder. You could create a dedicated folder for “Steam Games”, “Android development”, or a stash place for “Apps I installed after reading OMG! Ubuntu! but never opened again”.

You’ll find installers for Ubuntu on the Meow website, linked below.

Visit the Meow Github Page

Alternative App Menu (That Also Works with Meow)

Incidentally if you don’t love the applications dash in GNOME Shell there are plenty of alternatives.

One of the most popular is Gno-Menu, a free, open-source extension that pops a traditional GNOME 2 style list menu back on your desktop. You can use Meow to arrange/edit the layout and content of folders in this list.

H/T Lukaz D.