Chit plus chat

Pidgin users will find an extra special treat waiting for them in next month’s release of Ubuntu 14.10: Unity integration is back, and better than ever.

A change in the Ubuntu API for the Messaging Menu clipped the integration wings of the popular libpurple-based instant-messaging application several releases back.

A third-party plugin adhering to the new API was quickly put together to workaround the break (it worked so well it was subsequently included in the upstream releases of the app) as well as provide more features. However, it wasn’t compiled into the Ubuntu package available from the Ubuntu Software Center meaning, while available, it wasn’t enabled.

With the new Unity Integration features enabled users can choose to see unread count badges on the Unity Launcher; choose between unread or elapsed time in the messing menu, and curb excessive IRC chat notifications.


Ubuntu 14.10 fixes the bug and stocks the Unity-toting version of Pidgin in the Ubuntu Software Center. It works with both the Messaging Menu and Unity Launcher out of the box, no hassle, no workarounds.

You can see the original bug report by clicking the link below. If you’re running a development version of Utopic you’ll get an update to Pidgin in the coming days.

Launchpad Bug #1362368

pidgin utopic unicorn