Shutter – easily the best screenshot tool ever created – has finally shimmied out a new release, packed full of crazy new goodness for us all to enjoy.

UbuntuOne file uploading
Essentially all the UbuntuOne plugin for Shutter does is save the file to a specified synchronised UbuntuOne folder – which UbuntuOne notices and proceeds to upload. It’s nifty in that it means you don’t have to manually do anything – but you’ll still have to head to your UbuntuOne folder to grab a public link.

Mono Icon
Ubuntu Lucid/Maverick testers will be pleased to see Shutter finally gains a monochrome panel icon. Sadly Shutter have no intentions of morphing the tray icon into an indicator applet so a monochrome tray icon is as close to panel consistency as we’re going to get.

Image Hosting
Irregularities and instabilities with the default hosting services have been fixed – and has been dropped altogether. 

What else would I like to see? 
Imgur uploading would be ace, bit in the mean time see Gimgur for that.

If you’re using the Shutter PPA then upgrading to the latest version can be downloaded via the Update Manager.

If you’re not already using the PPA you can add it in a snap using the following commands: –

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install shutter
App Updates shutter