OpenTumblr is a desktop application for posting and uploading files, photos, etc, to your Tumbr account.

I’ve blogged about OpenTumblr before [see here and here] but the latest release slipped out the door a few weeks back without my noticing! Belated news, but news nonetheless; here’s what’s new in OpenTumblr 0.2.0.

QT interface
OpenTumblr, since my last updates, has gained a new development team and a QT version. The Qt version is more stable, has more features and looks nicer on the Ubuntu Desktop

Visual Changes

The QT-ing of OpenTumblr has resulted in most of OpenTumblr getting a visual shakedown. Whilst many windows need some usability-guidelines applied, everything works as it should. 

The dashboard is gaggle of buttons, making for a cleaner first impression. The QT version also revers back to using ‘windows’ for input, whereas the non-QT release had this “in-app” (See below)


The OpenTumblr QT application itself requires the same dependencies as the old non-qt release, as well as QT. You can install these using: –

  • sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-setuptools

Followed by their set-up

  • sudo easy_install simplejson
    sudo easy_install poster

Then download the latest release tarbell @

Extract it, navigate into the folder and run

  • python install

You will then find OpenTumblr QT in your internet submenu.

App Updates opentumblr tumblr