“Microsoft Linux Conference” — three words you probably thought you’d ever hear together but you just have, and it’s happening next March.

WSLConf will be free to attend, though attendee space will be limited

WSLConf is set to take place in March 2020 on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA. As a community-led event WSLConf will be free to attend, though attendee space “will be limited”.

Registration details will be made public in the coming months.

The two day event will feature presentations by the Microsoft team behind the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature; the creators of the ‘Pengwin‘ WSL distributions; and (more pertinent to our tastes, perhaps) the Ubuntu on WSL team at Canonical.

Attendees, the website says, will be able to take part in hackathons and hands-on workshops, and be able to hob-nob with fellow WSL developers and enthusiasts.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an impressive bit of tech that, whatever your misgivings about the company behind it, has made a appreciable impact within the wider development community, including open source.

And with new WSL integration in Microsoft’s VSCode app, fast becoming one of the most popular code editors around, a dedicated conference at which to discuss, dissect and debate the present and future capabilities of the Linux-powered feature is somewhat logical.

Have you made WSL part of your development workflow?