newsup app window
Newsup App

It’s never been easier to keep on top of news, with Scopes, RSS feeds, social media streams and push notifications all delivering timely updates to us, as and when they surface.

But sometimes we prefer to go out and check the day’s headlines for ourselves. Stepping outside of the echo chamber of our pre-ordained feeds is healthy for a rounded view of the world.

This process usually goes something like this: open and trawl Google News, MSN News, or any similar ‘portal’ which collates headlines from multiple news-sources and presents them in one place.

Now, a new app for the Linux desktop wants to (partially) take the hassle out of that news gathering.

Newsup App

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Called  ‘Newsup‘, the app offers a near-literal sup on the latest headlines from a selection of ‘mainstream news’ outlets, all at the click of a button.

Or, to put it another way, to quote the website:

‘the latest news from various major mainstream media at your finger tips’

As a new news app – or should that be ‘early edition’ — Newsup is not the most elegant looking utility ever created. But it’s novel enough in what it does to be worth a thumb through, even if you don’t plan to subscribe just yet.

(Enough with the increasingly reaching news-puns, yeah?)

Unlike the intimidating complexity of another app we reviewed recently, RSS Tickr, Newsup is streamlined in its choice of ‘channels’ (read: news sources). You can’t add your own but you can filter the topics based on the channel you select.

Channels include Fox, Sky News, BBC and India Today.

Check out a video of the app in action below. Scroll down to hit the big blue download button and grab the Ubuntu installer and try it for yourself.

Install Newsup on Ubuntu

Desktop news apps for Linux aren’t plentiful. The gap left by LightRead’s abandonment is ever keenly felt. This makes Newsup’s arrival all the more… newsworthy.

For a great way to get a digest of the days news when you want it, it’s well worth trying.

Download Newsup (Multiarch, .Deb)