All articles by Benjamin Humphrey

Interface Designer, OMG! Ubuntu! tech journalist and co-founder, Google and Ubuntu fanboy, part time musician, private pilot, geek. @humphreybc on Twitter.

Belgian political party Ecolo moving to open source, Ubuntu

Ecolo, a green party in Belgium, is planning a move that would see all 220 workstations in its main office switch to open source by 2011. Sebastien Bollingh, the party's ICT manager, says they plan to eventually replace the underlying system with entirely Ubuntu computers.

21 September 2010

Ohso Quicklaunch Chrome/ium web app

If you’re using a recent-ish version of Google Chrome or Chromium then you have support for ‘web apps’. These are, essentially, ‘pinned’ webpages sans toolbars, but can also be all sorts of custom applications that perform different functions. Thanks to the hard work of Nicolas Leperlier, we now have an Ohso Quick-Launcher type Chrome App!

21 September 2010

How scalable is open source?

Ubuntu is getting bigger by the day, and everything is a test of structure - never before has an open source operating system attempted to win over the hearts of the mainstream. My question is, can we handle it?

21 September 2010 2011 schedule released, the Australasian Linux Conference to be held in Brisbane next year, has released its schedule today. It includes a heap of interesting open source talks and miniconfs spread across a week, including everything from HTML5 video to building a Linux powered coffee roaster!

21 September 2010

Ubuntu Application Review Process announced, restrictive rules galore

Jono Bacon announced today the Ubuntu Application Review Process, which is designed to get new and fresh applications into Ubuntu after it's released. Unfortunately, like all things Ubuntu, it's harder than it should be with plenty of restrictive rules, bureaucratic nonsense and complicated set up procedures.

21 September 2010

Fundamental Round 2 theme gives an alternative to elementary

A new theme has cropped up in the forest of quality Ubuntu themes - named "Fundamental Round 2," this silver theme gives you a similar look to elementary but with a few key differences. Larger image and download link after the jump.

12 September 2010

What architecture is your Ubuntu? [Poll]

Are you a traditional 32 bit user or have you ventured out on a limb and installed 64 bit Ubuntu to make the most of your hardware?

12 September 2010

OMG! We now have a Forum!

If you pop over to you'll see that we now have a much-requested forum for your banter to have a home. Make the jump to read more information, including rationale behind the design.

10 September 2010

Stepping back in time: The evolution of OMG! Ubuntu!

We've had many different looks over the life of this site, so I figured it would be pretty cool to see how the website has evolved over the past year, especially for those who have just started following. Half a dozen screenshots of the site evolution after the break.

9 September 2010

Is Linux market share is 8x larger than most people think?

Caitlyn Martin over at O'Reilly Broadcast has posted an interesting article titled "Debunking the 1% Myth" where she investigates what the true market share of Linux on desktops and laptops actually is. Her findings may pleasantly surprise you.

9 September 2010 announces list of mini-conferences for LCA2011 - the annual Australian Linux conference has announced its mini-conference list with highlights such as freedom in the cloud, rocketry and the business of open source. The organizers state LCA2011 has "the most exciting and substantial array of lca miniconfs to date." Full story after the break.

7 September 2010

OMG! Exclusive: Interview with GNOME co-founder Federico Mena

The OMG! team sit down for an exclusive interview with Frederico Mena, one the founding fathers of GNOME. Federico along with Miguel de Icaza worked together in the late 90s to start the GNOME project - the desktop environment that Ubuntu and many other distros use. Everyone knows and loves it, but how did it all start?

7 September 2010
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