All articles by Benjamin Humphrey

Interface Designer, OMG! Ubuntu! tech journalist and co-founder, Google and Ubuntu fanboy, part time musician, private pilot, geek. @humphreybc on Twitter.

Google’s VP Vint Cerf #lca2011 keynote [Live blog]

Google's Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist Vinton Cerf is about to take the stage at to deliver the conference's primary keynote.

24 January 2011

Day one of #LCA2011 in photos (Gallery)

Day 1 of has come and gone, with talks on everything from building successful businesses on open source to making music with Linux. Here is a selection of photos from today.

24 January 2011

#LCA2011 – Thinking of starting a small business? Check out these principles

Arjen Lentz is currently giving a talk at entitled "Creating the Business you want." At the beginning of his talk he handed out a sheet of A4 with 10 principles Lentz believes small companies should stick to when starting out.

24 January 2011

#LCA2011 How does one create a sustainable open source business?

Open source can provide an excellent foundation for building businesses, as we've seen from many companies past and present. But how does one utilize the tools and benefits of Open Source to create a successful business model and a sustainable company?

24 January 2011

LCA2011 – Picked up in a Linux car? You betcha.

How do you get to a Linux Conference? Only with style. And what's more stylish than a Toyota Prada SUV with a number plate that reads "LINUX?"

23 January 2011

Everything you need to know about 2011

I'm sure you've heard about it, but do you really know what it is, why it exists and why you should care? In this article I try to answer three questions: What is, what happens there, and why should you care?

20 January 2011

Exclusive interview with Ubuntu Unity’s Technical Lead Neil Patel

Boy we've got something exciting for you today - a full length exclusive interview with Unity's Technical Lead and Canonical DX Team Member Neil Patel. In this lengthy interview, Neil explains everything from how Unity will work on large screens to how he feels Ubuntu is going and why he started working for Canonical. It's a total must read for anyone even remotely interested in the future of Ubuntu, so click through for the full scoop!

19 January 2011

LCA2011 – Who’s keen for an OMG! Ubuntu! reader meetup?

With Linux Conference Australia 2011 less than a week away, and with over 700 attendees converging on Brisbane for 5 days of Linux talks, sessions and workshops, it's about time I mentioned our reader meetup.

18 January 2011

LCA2011 to go ahead in Brisbane, organizing committee announces

One of the largest Linux conferences in the southern hemisphere, LCA2011, is to go ahead next week in Brisbane after the worst floods to hit Queensland in over 20 years shed some dubious light on whether the event could continue.

17 January 2011

LCA2011 – Ubuntu Australian LoCo Team to present on Open Day

With Linux Conference Australia 2011 fast approaching, it's worth mentioning that the very active Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team are planning to have an Ubuntu showcase stall throughout the open day, on Saturday.

16 January 2011

LCA2011 – Brisbane floods, conference hoping to go ahead

As many of you would have seen in the news, Queensland (in Australia for those geographically challenged amongst us) has been attacked by a lot of water recently in the worst flooding since 1974. But what does this mean for LCA2011, which is scheduled to go ahead in Brisbane in just over a week?

15 January 2011

LibreOffice 3.3 RC2 released, available for download

The Document Foundation's "LibreOffice" Team has announced another release candidate that's now available for download.

23 December 2010
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