upgrade ubuntu 16.10

The release date of Ubuntu 16.10 is now less than a week away — but do you plan to upgrade to the ‘Yakkety Yak’ once it arrives?

That’s the question we’re asking you in this, our latest poll.

Consider it a pre-emptive toe in the enticing waters of public opinion as, with most of the new features in Ubuntu 16.10 now known and documented, you probably have some inkling of whether you plan to upgrade to it (or stay put with whatever distro you’re currently using).

Upgrade Decisions

Ubuntu 16.10 is a regular Ubuntu release, not a long-term support one. This means that it comes with only nine months of critical security patches, stability fixes and select app updates.

A shorter support period isn’t for everyone, and might not suit you. If you’re running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (or a different OS entirely) you’ll need to consider whether a bit of shiny-newness is worth sacrificing the stability of whatever it is you’re running now.

On the flip, perhaps you’re hoping that 16.10 will solve some niggling software or hardware issues you’re having. Is the lure of a newer Linux kernel and large dollop of updated packages too much to resist?

Your Plans

Regardless of what you plan to do, we want to know. Will you take an hour or two to upgrade next Thursday? Do you plan to hold off for a bit until the early bird bugs are detected and fixed? Or might you skip this release entirely?

Whatever your decision, feel free to pop a vote in our poll below. If you want to offer more reasoning behind your vote, scoot on down to the comment section to have a waffle.

Note: We use Automattic’s PollDaddy service for our polling. This might not play nice with some no-script browser tools. If you’re reading this article via RSS or our Android app you’ll need to visit this page in a browser to see the poll embed.

On Polling Options

Each time we run this poll a bunch of folks will complain that we haven’t offered a bespoke option tailored to their situation (normally along the lines of: “This bias poll is bias ‘cos there’s no option to say ‘I use mint and hate Unity and don’t even like HAM!!!!1′”).

To clarify: this poll asks a question. The question has — if you’re totally logical about it — one of three possible answers:

If you do not plan to upgrade to Ubuntu 16.10 ever, intend to stick with whatever Ubuntu version, distro or OS you’re currently using or intend to run next, select the answer ‘No‘.

If you’re uncertain as to what your plans are, regardless of what percentile of a yes or no answer you’re leaning towards, then select the answer ‘Maybe‘.

If you do plan to upgrade at some point, either on release day or some time next whenever, then choose the answer ‘Yes‘.