Ubuntu's Most Popular Paid App
Ubuntu’s Most Popular Paid App : ‘Filebot’

A list of the top 10 Ubuntu apps sold during June has been published.

Video renaming utility Filebot was June’s best selling application on Ubuntu. The tool notches up its 5th consecutive month on the top 10, but its first at #1.

Right behind it is the $19.99 web creation tool ‘Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder’, which jumps a couple of places to snatch #2.

Legal DVD playback software Fluendo DVD Player drops a spot from May’s rankings to land at #3.

The Storm Is Over

The forecast is looking less bright for last months top selling app Stormcloud.

After spending six months in pole position, the Metro-styled meteorological tool was unable to shift enough units during June to make the top 10.

Falling from #1 out of the top ten entirely is pretty dramatic – so what happened?

Short of ‘everyone who wants a desktop weather app for Ubuntu has now bought one’, the most likely explanation is that, as Stormcloud is not available to buy in Ubuntu 13.10, its sales potential has been hampered.

Robotux screenshot
Robotux Is A New Entry at #10

New Entries

Two new entries grabbed a Top 10 placing during June: EXT4 defrag tool HDD Ranger, priced at $7.99,  and the Macro recorder ‘Robotux’.

June 2013′s Top 10 Paid Apps

[App name/May Position]

  1. Filebot (3)
  2. Quick ‘n Easy Web Builder (4)
  3. Fluendo DVD Player (2)
  4. Mini Minecraft Launcher (6)
  5. MC-Launcher (5)
  6. Braid (7)
  7. UberWriter (8)
  8. Drawers (9)
  9. HDD Ranger (new entry)
  10. Robotux (new entry)