Chameleonic Overlay in Raring

A number of small changes have landed on the Ubuntu desktop in the latest update to Unity.

Although none of them will be causing any jaws to drop in wonderment, the small and subtle – if not yet finished – updates do fix a number of out-standing usability ‘bugs’.

Amongst the changes:

  • Shortcut Overlay Badges Now Chameleonic
  • Faster visual feedback when opening launcher item
  • Titlebar and Glow changes to windows in Switcher
  • Overlay scrollbars in the Dash
  • Workspace Switcher indication

Several of these were already expected having been mentioned by developers previously.

You can see them in action in the video below:

Of these current crop of changes it is the ‘immediate feedback’ effect that is the hardest to see.

The ‘original’ animation was felt to fade in too slowly after the initial click ‘[making] the responsiveness of the Launcher is being perceived as slow.’

Remember: Ubuntu 13.04 is in active development. Changes featured here are not complete or indicative of the final release, due April 2013.