A minor update to photo management application Shotwell has been pushed out today.

Hitting version 0.11.1, this update sees a slew of bugfixes land. Yorba, the development team behind the app, have recommended that all Shotwell users upgrade. Instructions on doing that are further down.

Amongst the bugs fixed in this release are: –

  • RAW+JPEG pairing now works on file import
  • Startup crashes fixed
  • Hierarchical tag issues resolved
  • RAW developer bugs fixed
  • Minor enhancements

How To Upgrade to Shotwell 0.11.1

Ubuntu 11.04 users can upgrade to the latest version of Shotwell by adding the Shotwell PPA @ launchpad.net/~yorba/+archive/ppa to their Software Sources, then performing a system update.

If you’re an Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 user making use of the unofficial backport PPA maintained by Martin Wimpress hang tight – this update will be pushed to you as soon as Martin finds time to backport it.