An Adobe employee has asked Linux users wanting native Creative Suite applications for their OS to submit a ‘feature request directly’ to the company’s engineering team.

Responding on the vote page of a campaign asking for Adobe to port their Creative Suite set of products to Linux, Adobe employee Carey Burgess listed several points of contact users should now use to further the case.

Burgess had previously replied to users voting in the poll, stating that he ‘understood’ why people want to see the design tools made Linux-friendly.

Hey, Adobe

We first covered the campaign over a month ago. At the time of our initial article only 827 people had signalled their desire for the suite to head to Linuxsville. That vote soon swelled to over 2,000 in the night following our post and now stands at an impressive 5267 – a number significant enough to prompt Burgess to respond, once again, to the wish stating: –

I encourage everyone that truly wants this to submit a Feature Request directly to our engineering teams.

[links removed, see below]

Update: Swamped by requests

Since we originally posted the above article earlier this afternoon the Adobe engineering team have been swamped by your requests – so much so that Carey has gotten back in touch to ask that users should now add their support for the move by clicking on the "I like this idea" button on the GetSatisfaction topic page @

Burgess told us:

"The plan is to monitor the GetSatisfaction posts from here on out to determine what kind of market there would be for Adobe software on Linux."

As such we’ve removed the form links from the original article above.

With thanks to Brett