Customizers rejoice: the latest experimental build of Dropbox now respects your installed icon set. This means users no longer need to manually replace them with theme-akin replacements.

“We have changed the names of our tray icons and made them completely themeable. So if you want to use your own tray icons the suggested method is to add your icons to .icons or to /usr/share/icons/ for all users (in an appropriate theme folder such as hicolor/22×22/status) and to leave the ones in .dropbox-dist alone. The icons in .dropbox-dist will only be used if no icons are found in other locations.”

Those wishing to take start including Dropbox icons within their theme sets should note that the new names for the icons are: –

  • dropboxstatus-logo.png
  • dropboxstatus-idle.png
  • dropboxstatus-busy.png
  • dropboxstatus-busy2.png
  • dropboxstatus-x.png
To auto-update to the latest experimental builds see this post: –
Thanks to Matthew