new veducator app icon pngA big update to VidCutter, an open-source video trim, split and merge app, is available to download.

VidCutter is a cross-platform Qt5 app for quick video trimming/splitting and merging video clips without the need to re-encode.

The app is powered by FFmpeg, which available on almost all major Linux distributions. On macOS and Windows builds FFmpeg is provided as a static binary.

VidCutter 3.2.0

VidCutter 3.2.0 introduces new dark and light themes; a new app icon and an improved timeline appearance. Anyone using the app on a HiDPI screen will see better scaling and sizing.

A new right-click settings sub-menu serves as a handy shortcut to common options to enable hardware decoding, maintain aspect ratio, use zoom, and whether individual clips are kept or deleted after the ‘stitching’ is complete.

Other changes include a new VidCutter project file format, support for processing corrupted video files, and a time counter widget that lets you manually enter timecode to jump to a specific portion of video.

The developer plans to focus on fixing bugs and issues within the app going forward, so do report any cracks or crashes you encounter over on the VidCutter Github page.

Install VidCutter on Ubuntu

PPA Method

An official PPA provides the latest stable release of Vidcutter for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and above. To add the Vidcutter PPA to your software runs this command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozmartian/apps

Then refresh your package list and install (or upgrade) with this command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install vidcutter

Finally, launch the app from your desktop’s app menu, dock or launcher.


A VidCutter 3.2.0 .appimage is also available to download. This will run on most modern Linux distributions. Just download, give the runtime permission to run, and double-click to launch.

Download VidCutter from GitHub

Windows & macOS

VidCutter is not only free, open-source software but it’s cross-platform too! 32-bit and 64-bit Windows installers are available from the project’s Github release page, as is a DMG image for macOS users.

Download VidCutter for Windows or macOS