Ubuntu 10.04 LTS users wanting to install Shotwell 0.8.x on their computers now can thanks to one users’ hard work.

Like many of those sticking with Ubuntu’s Long Term Support release Martin Wimpress found that many updates to his favourite applications weren’t being made available for 10.04. Rather than moan or go without he decided to do something about it.

“I created this PPA because I run Lucid at home and wanted the new version of Shotwell. Sadly, Yorba aren’t going to provide a Lucid build of Shotwell 0.8.1 due to the reasons discussed in the following ticket: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/3015. “

As mentioned in the ticket above, there are versions of Shotwell 0.8.1 available for Lucid in other PPAs. However, those PPAs contain hundreds of packages. If you’re not that brave, like me, then hopefully my PPA provides what you need. I have built Shotwell 0.8.1 with minimal changes from the original Yorba source packages and not polluted my PPA with any unnecessary packages ;-)”

Ace work!


Martin’s PPA does require users to also add/have the Yorba’s PPA also added to their Software Sources.

To install Shotwell 0.8.1 on Lucid via the Terminal enter the following commands into a Terminal: –

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/shotwell
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install shotwell