It’s been a wee while since I last spoke about the elementary mail application ‘Postler’ but, in the last few days, the project has finally come to Launchpad.

What is Postler?

Postler is a destkop e-mail application designed to ‘get out of the way’ and let a user handle their mail.

Postler started life as nothing more than a mock-up by elementary projects’ Dan Rabbit.  Christian Dywan of Midori has been busy turning  Dan’s vision into a reality.

Is there a beta available?

The application is still being actively developed so, unless I have incredibly high standards, don’t take its’ ‘coming’ to launchpad as a signal that it’s ready for the prime time yet.Postler_009Nevertheless it’s usable (to varying degrees) and a beta is likely forthcoming fairly soon.

The first ‘stable’ release is being targeted for April/May 2011.

If you’re curious about what it is and want to lend a hand in development you’ll find the code branch and associated contact information over @

It’s very simple to get up and running. Just pull the branch and build using: –

  • ./waf configure
  • ./waf build
  • sudo ./waf install