Fans of ‘fractal wallpaper‘ on the hunt for evermore gorgeous geometric designs for their desktop may find the following utility of particular use.

Beautiful Fractals Grabber‘ is a command line tool for, as the name implies, ‘grabbing’ fractal wallpapers from the website.


Easy-to-install .deb files of BFG can be located on the projects’ launchpad page.


BFG works via the command line. To use it open up a new terminal window and enter


This will offer to download wallpapers using the default settings of a resolution at 1280×1024 and all available wallpapers.

If you wish to specify resolution and/or the wallpapers downloaded you can use the ‘resolution’, ‘start’ and’ end’ switches. For example, to download the first five wallpapers at a resolution of 1440×900 I would enter the following command as one line, hitting enter to proceed: –

beautifulfractals-grabber resolution 1440×900 start 1 end 5

It should be noted that all of the wallpapers downloaded using the tool are copyright of Martin Wulffeld and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.