One thing I love particularly about the Open Source community is the desire to continually improve ever aspect of the desktop – from icons to apps. This isn’t driven by the desire to increase profits (an incentive which more often that not results in a ‘if it sells, it’ll do’ approach) but by the altruistic nature to make things better because they can, and therefore should, be.

The developer behind the Wasilana mail client we shared news of a week or two hitherto has written such a gloriously reasoned post on why there is a need for new modern Screenrecording tool. His argument leads into a new project of his called Kazam.

“gtkRecordMyDesktop, Istanbul (and for the hard core!) xVidCap. The trouble is, they were created WAY before screencasting became so popular, and so try to meet the demands of an audience which has changed dramatically.”

The whole approach of Kazam reminds me of that in Shutter – it’s an all in one solution that only serves to deal with the purpose of the intended use. That’s a long winded way of saying “it does everything you it to do in one application.”

With this in mind Andrew’s approach to Kazam is to integrate the editing features a screencaster might need to apply before uploading. We’re not talking fancy titles, transitions & voice overs here but basic stuff like cropping, video quality and tools to easily export the finished cast to YouTube or Vimeo etc.

The entire post is well reasoned and food for thought so go check it out and if you’re at all interested in making Kazam the killer screencast tool it promises to be then lend a hand!
screencasting Video Editors