I’ve held off from mentioning last nights arrival of some new (albeit WIP) icons for Lucid simply because I know how such‘minor‘ posts irritate some of you.Sods law then that I wake up to an inbox full of people asking why I haven’t mentioned them already!

Works In Progress

It’s worth my mentioning that the new icons are very much works in progress – Not all of them are complete, not all of them are final and some of them haven’t even turned up to the party yet. The ones that have landed certainly look ‘the biz’ in Lucid and are far more in line with the rebranding than previous incarnations.



The main new additions so far include: –

  • New MessagingMenu icons for Chat, Mail and Microblogging
  • Some updated weather panel icons
  • Improved Wifi icon with cool pulsating animation effect
  • New restart icon
  • New user status icons
  • New tomboy icons
  • And probably a ton more I haven’t yet noticed…


If you’re currently using Lucid then these icons will be in update manager.

If you’re using any version of Ubuntu prior to Lucid and want them badly then you can grab an up-to-date .deb @ http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/main/ubuntu-mono
