The artwork proposals for Lucid have begun getting underway this last week or two and the most interesting submission so far is UbuntuSun.

Available in three variants: Dawn, Day & Dusk, the metacity theme is based “…on the idea of having the sun shine into your windows.”

Original, striking and playing up to Ubuntu’s colour palette, I can see this theme becoming one of the more popular suggestions from the hundreds that are proposed every development schedule.

image image


Dream = Design

Sadly UbuntuSun has been mock-up only until now. ingolemo over @ took on the job of converting the mock-ups into real, usable themes. The results are awesome!



All three variants are available, however the artists does note that, currently, the Ubuntu Dusk version is lacking somewhat. A GTK theme is also included that suits each metacity.

(The rest of the themes proposed for Lucid, so far, are ones you’ve probably seen a thousand times before on Gnome-look, hence I’ve not been covering them yet.

Once the Alpha is released in a few weeks time the OMG!UBUNTU! Lucid updates will start thick and fast!)