A new version of Kdenlive is available to download.

Kdenlive 22.12 is said to feature more than 350 commits that add new features, fix issues, and prepare the code base for “exciting changes” planned for the near future (intriguing, huh?).

Chief amongst the changes in this drop is what Kdenlive devs described as a a “major overhaul” to the guide/marker system. Kdenlive (like any good video editor should) already lets users add markers to annotate and pinpoint specific parts of their edit. But in the new release things move up a gear.

A new “Guides” dock is now available in the UI. This supports quickly filtering between different markers and guides, works with keyboard navigation, and supports as many custom categories as a user needs, as this short video from the Kdenlive team demonstrates:

Three of Kdenlive’s audio graph filters are keyframe-able in this release. Additionally, devs have made it easier to copy/paste keyframes in Kdenlive 22.12 using traditional ctrl + c and ctrl + v keyboard shortcuts, or by clicking on the new copy/paste buttons added to the effect keyframe bar.

Other changes in Kdenlive 22.12:

  • Option to remove space after playhead
  • Option to remove all clips after playhead
  • Set a maximum size for cached data
  • Option to hide the menu bar (and enable hamburger menu in toolbar)
  • More informative “what’s this?” tooltips
  • Settings page cleanup
  • Colour picker works with Wayland
  • Pipewire added as SDL output
  • Setting to disable audio capturing countdown

And that just about covers it. Anyone looking for a fast and powerful video editor on Linux to tackle basic to intermediate projects will find Kdenlive an ideal choice.

I find Kdenlive to be the most mature, reliable, and fully-featured of the main “open source video editors”. It’s also backed by regular updates, and there is an active online community of users providing info, tips, and advice on how to get the most from it.

The official Kdenlive download page makes the latest release available to download as a distro-agnostic AppImage that will work on most modern Linux distros. There are also links to Windows and macOS versions. It’s also possible to install Kdenlive from an officially-maintained PPA, or from Flathub.