The limited-access beta of Steam for Linux has gone live.

Over 60,000 people responded to the call for beta applicants made last month. From this pool an initial subset have been chosen to test the client and report their feedback.

More users will be invited to test the client in the coming weeks.

Team Fortress 2 is provided with the client, though some 25 games are listed as supporting Linux.

The beta client also includes Steam’s TV & controller ‘Big Picture mode’, which is also in beta.

Huge Milestone

Valve president Gabe Newell has called the release “…a huge milestone in the development of PC gaming,”

“Steam users have been asking us to support gaming on Linux. We’re happy to bring rich forms of entertainment and our community of users to this open, customer-friendly platform.”

More To Come

If you didn’t get a beta invite today don’t worry: more applicants will be added as time goes on.