Emerillon (pronounced ‘Ey-may-ree-yon’, fact fans) desktop map viewer for GNOME is an incredibly nifty tool to have around.

Whether you’re planning a journey, need to check cycle routes in your area or just fancy a nose around, Emerillon can do it all.


Map data is provided by the free collaborative ‘OpenStreetMap’ service. The beauty in this is that if you see something incorrect or missing from your city you’re able to add it in.


Emerillon lets you: –

  • Search for a location
  • Zoom in, out and pan
  • Bookmark places for quick access
  • Switch between ‘Pubic transport’, ‘Terrain’, ‘Map’ and ‘Cycle route’ views

Emerillon Map Viewer_003


Emerillon can be installed via the Ubuntu Software Centre or by running the following command in a Terminal session:

  • sudo apt-get install emerillon
emerillion maps