More posts about “politics”

Blogger Claims Ubuntu’s New Shopping Lens Breaks EU Law

Is an EU law on data protection being broken in Ubuntu 12.10? That's the charge being put forward by blogger Luís de Sousa, who has spent the best part of 10 years working with state institutions where, he says, 'issues with private data are recurrent.' Sousa claims to have found several articles of an 1995 EU Directive on the protection of users personal data that Ubuntu's controversial new 'Shopping Lens' conflicts with

10 October 2012

ACTA Rejected by European Parliament, Now All But Dead

ACTA - the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - was dealt a life-threatening blow by the elected representatives of European citizens today, as the European Parliament rejected the contentious treaty in a damning 478-to-39 vote.

4 July 2012

The Web Wins: SOPA & PIPA Now Dead in the Water

The controversial SOPA and PIPA bills are dead - at least in name. The 'death' of PIPA (Protect IP Act) (at least in its current form) was announced in a statement by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex).

20 January 2012

SOPA Shelved – For Now

America's contentious SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) bill has been shelved until "greater consensus" on its scope can be reached. But don't celebrate just yet.

16 January 2012

The SOPA Act Continues To Get Dirtier

It might be an anagram of 'Soap' but America's proposed draconian 'Stop Online Piracy Act' (SOPA) just keeps getting murkier.

21 November 2011

Tomorrow The Internet Will Begin to Die

Tomorrow sees one of the most pivotal pieces of internet legislation pass through the halls of power in Washington. The ‘Stop Online Piracy Act’ (SOPA) bill, combined with PROTECT IP Act, seeks to give the […]

16 November 2011

Linux Q&A ; Why I Play for Both Teams

Recently a number of you in the OMG! Ubuntu community have been wondering about my "Ubuntu is Easy" videos, and why I have chosen to create a series of what seem like extremely simple tutorials. A few of you have wondered if they're even necessary. A few more think that I shouldn't use Windows at all if I'm a true open source proponent. Here's my short answer to that and more Linux politics.

13 August 2011

GNOME to drop support for BSD, Solaris, Unix?

Take this one with a pinch of hearty pinch of salt for now, but, in a post to the GNOME Developer Mailing List, Jon McCann - a tour de force in the GNOME world and pioneer of GNOME Shell itself - has urged that GNOME not only become an OS, but forgo keeping support for other non-Linux operating systems such as BSD, Solaris and Unix in the process.

18 May 2011
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