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Bisigi Themes Revived, GTK3 Ports Begin

The Bisigi themes project has been revived. The project created some of the most comprehensively designed GTK2 themes during its three active years but following the move by most major distributions to GTK3, the project wound down in November of last year.

14 February 2012

Bisigi GTK+ Theme Project Ends

Development on the popular 'Bisigi' GTK+ themes has come to an end. Writing on the French Ubuntu forum, 'ZgegBall', the themes' developer, quietly announced the 'competition' of the project and that users should not expect support for Bisigi themes in Ubuntu 11.10 or GNOME 3.

9 November 2011

Bisigi Themes Add Ubuntu 11.04 Support

GTK themes are like sports teams: everyone has a favourite. I can't get enough of Ubuntu's default theme Ambiance, but if you're bored by the stock style of Ubuntu, the Bisigi Project provide 15 well-thought out themes for easy installation in Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10 and, now, Ubuntu 11.04 too.

31 August 2011
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