simplenote revisions

The team behind Simplenote has open-sourced all of the nifty note-taking service’s desktop and mobile apps.

Among them is the official Simplenote app for Linux (and Windows 10) which was released earlier this year and is built using React and Electron.

Automattic, who also make WordPress, announced the news in a blog post, saying that: “all of the official Simplenote client apps are now Open Source Software under the GPLv2 license.”

Source code for the Simplenote iOS, Android, and macOS apps can be found on the Automattic GitHub page, where it joins the (previously open-sourced) Simplenote Linux & Windows 10 app.

Automattic GitHub Page

Automattic hopes that the open-sourcing will foster “…a great community of contributors from around the world to help make the apps even better.”

One thing to note here is that only the applications are being open-sourced. The server-side code that syncs and powers many of the features is not. If you are hoping to roll your own Simplenote server locally, you’ll need to wait a bit longer (Automattic say ‘it’ll happen someday’).

For more details on the Simplenote for Linux app see our feature from earlier this year. It touches on why the service is so popular and notes many of the nifty features supported in its Linux app.

To download the latest version of Simplenote you can skip on over to its GitHub page:

Download Simplenote for Linux