
We’re big fans of the Arc GTK theme here on OMG! Ubuntu! — but I’m going to guess you already know that.

Over the past few months we’ve shown you how to install the Arc theme on Ubuntu (and how it’ll be available on Ubuntu 16.10); how to make use of a stylish Arc VLC skin; and last week we shared our (lack of) surprise that someone has gone to the trouble of porting Arc to Windows 10!

Because of the frequency of Arc mentions on this site of late I was hesitant to post this Arc theme for KDE Plasma…

…but I know how stoked some of you are going to be knowing it exists — sorry if you’re bored of Arc, and hello if you’re not!

Arc Theme for KDE Plasma

GitHub user Alexey Varfolomeev is the architect — get it? — of this Plasma port. It’s only currently available in the Arc Dark flavour (that is: the very dark version). You won’t find the light and airy version, or the light/dark combo mix.

Not being familiar with KDE Plasma I don’t feel confident walking you through installing it. Thankfully I don’t need to as Varlesh’s GitHub page is loaded with all the relevant must-dos, including details of how to install it on Kubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Arc Dark for KDE Plasma on GitHub

arc theme KDE plasma