Firefox is the default browser in Ubuntu — but it doesn’t integrate with the Unity desktop as well as it could.

That’s where the following Ubuntu Firefox add-ons come in. These little extras, trivial though they seem, help to bridge the (admittedly few) gaps and missing functionality between browser and OS.

None of these are new, but they’re all undeniably helpful and help you get the best Firefox experience you can on the Unity desktop.

1. Firefox Notify

firefox linux download notifications

This first one is simple enough: get a desktop notification when files you download in the browser complete.

Yeah, it’s bizarre that Firefox can’t do this by default, but it can’t. Instead you need to add this add-on.

Once enabled (and you’ve restarted) you’ll get download notifications on your Linux desktop through its native desktop notification system. On Ubuntu that’s via Notify OSD.

If you’re using GNOME Shell you’ll get nifty actionable screen toasts that let you open the downloaded file right away — handy!

‘GNotifier’ on Mozilla Add-ons

2. Download Count & Progress Bars

We featured the revived UnityFox extension a couple of weeks back. It’s simple enough: when there are downloads in progress it displays a progress bar and download count.

If you like to keep an eye on your active downloads while using other applications, having a Skype call, or reading websites like this one, UnityFox Revived is a must-have.

‘UnityFox Revived’ on Mozilla Add-Ons

3. Matching GTK Theme

A wholly optional extra this one. Not to mention one that I can’t guarantee is available. It all depends on what GTK theme you’re using.

See, Firefox does a good job of picking up and blending into the Ubuntu desktop, doubly so since GTK3 support was rolled out.

But if you use a third-party GTK theme on Ubuntu, like Arc, Moka, or Iris Dark, you may find there’s a custom Firefox theme available — but finding it isn’t the easy bit.

Mozilla’s add-ons repository has a Firefox Arc theme available, plus versions for Arc Dark and Arc Darker. GitHub has a (now deprecated) Numix theme, while Moka fans will find various userstyles available on, well, userstyles.