A new version of KDE productivity and office suite Calligra has been released

Calligra comprises of a nine core apps which encompass everything from word processing and presentations to graphics editing and mind-mapping.

This release, the second stable release since the app’s inception in 2010, sees a number of new features added to the core Calligra apps.

These include bibliography and text-flow enhancements in word processing Words; a minor UI change to spreadsheet app Sheets; and a new composition docket for popular painting app Krita.

Install Calligra 2.5 in Ubuntu 12.04

K/ubuntu 12.04 users can install this latest release by adding the Kubuntu backports PPA to their Software Sources.

KDE users should note that adding this PPA will also upgrade KDE to its latest release of version 4.9.

Open a terminal/konsole and run:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install calligra

To remove the suite once added you can use either the Ubuntu Software Center or run

  • sudo apt-get remove calligra