‘My-weather-indicator‘ – an indicator-applet providing weather updates and alerts in Ubuntu – has been updated with an improved location set-up dialog and general bug fixes.

New look location selection in my weather indicator
New look location selection

Other features present in the application, but not new to this release, include notify-osd support, the ability to manually refresh the forecast, set the temperature selection and see a four-day forecast window.


Add ‘ppa:atareao/atareao’ to your Software Sources, update and then install ‘My Weather Indicator’ from the Ubuntu Software Centre.

Bright outlook

Two new features set for implementation in future versions of My Weather Indicator include the current ‘Lunar Phase’ (useful for werewolves and gardeners) and ‘Sunrise and Sunset’ times (useful for vampires and solstice observers).

Remember to report any bugs you encounter here.