Lightweight music player ‘GMusicbrowser’ is to replace ‘Exaile’ as the default music app in Xubuntu 11.04.

GMusicbrowser Shimmer
GMusicbrowser from the Shimmer PPA in regular Ubuntu

Why GMusicbrowser?

One criticism of currently default, Exaile, centred around its ‘slow and buggy’ performance when handling larger collections of music. GMusicbrowser is built with large libraries in mind, leading to better responsiveness in use.

GMusicbrowser comes with a huge set of features:

  • Mass-tagging and mass-renaming
  • Customizable window layouts
  • Support for multiple genres and multiple artists per song
  • Plugin system with Last.FM scrobbling; Wikipedia info; lyrics, etc.

It also boasts some great playback options.

  • Artist/album lock : easily restrict playlist to current artist/album
  • Easy access to songs related to the currently playing song

Xubuntu is likely to use a slightly improved version from The Shimmer Project which adds a new song tree layout and other UI fixes.


Xubuntu users wishing to try out GMusicbrowser can do so from the Shimmer Project PPA (Lucid through Natty) @

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Source: Tinhed via xflinux via Xubuntu Team minutes