It feels an absolute age since I last mentioned slick Twitter application Hotot on these pages but today finally saw a feature fix that gave me reason to: Indicator-applet support is now working.

“Wait, didn’t it already have this?” you ask. Well, yes it did but the emphasis lies very much on the ‘did’.

Despite a checkbox for enabling indicator support being available to enable in Hotot’s settings for the last few months it, like a stubborn teenager asked to clean his room, has refused to do anything. Until now.


The indicator itself doesn’t offer anything the system tray didn’t. In fact one wonders whether Hotot would find it more beneficial to integrate with the Messaging Menu rather than using an Application Indicator.

The indicator needs to be manually enabled via Hotot preferences and won’t take effect until you restart the application.

Panel purists note that whilst there is a mono icon included for Hotot it only appears when using the standard tray icon.


Hotot – with shiny indicator- can be installed in Ubuntu 10.10 from the Hotot PPA.

Terminal instructions are: –

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hotot-team
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install hotot

Also see: Hotot homepage