Selection_004Another day and another indicator applet to share word of. Today we’re looking rather more informative than time-saving – a system process monitor.

‘System load indicator’ monitors yours running processes CPU, RAM and disc I/O usage. When a process climbs higher than your set preference in one of these resources it is listed in the applet menu and a warning notification pops up to draw your attention.

You can set the levels at which an application is considered to be above preferable via the ‘preferences’ menu within the applet.

The monitor applet is just that – a monitor. It doesn’t manage or kill unruly processes for you but makes sure you’re made aware when an app goes rogue.

One aspect of the applet which seems to let an otherwise useful utility down is the choice in icons to represent the various states of load.

“It will use some weather icons as its indicator icon. If no process is chunking the system, it will display a clear-moon-night icon, when some process is slowing down the system, icons of cloudy, shower, heavy-shower will appear according to the system load.”

I’m sure there are some more applicable icons laying around waiting to be used than weather, although the analogy isn’t too far removed from being easy to follow.


An easy-to-install .deb for Ubuntu 10.04 users can be pinched off of the project’s Launchpad page: –