You have crowned Ubuntu Tweak‘s system cleaning options as the very best in our OMG! Vote! on the best system cleaners for Ubuntu.

The top 3 came in as follows based on 1208 votes cast:

  1. Ubuntu tweak 52.07% [629 votes]
  2. The command line 21.19% [256 votes]
  3. BleachBit 19.78% [239 votes]

In 4th place was Ubuntu default Computer Janitor with 61 votes and a 5.05% share but it’s GTKOrphan which takes up the rear with 1.9% and only 23 votes cast in its’ favour.

This week’s vote is…

If you’ve been beady eyed or are a member of the OMG! Ubuntu! Facebook fan page then you may know that this weeks vote is on …Docks!