GNOME Twitch app

A new version of the desktop Linux Twitch app GNOME Twitch is now available for download.

Not familiar with the app? GNOME Twitch lets you watch streams on your desktop without the use of Adobe Flash.

Using the app you can search for and watch streaming channels by name or by game, manage your favourites to easily find them again (and get notified when they’re live) and much more.

And that’s all available without logging in with a account!

GNOME Twitch 0.4.0

You can now search offline channels

GNOME Twitch 0.4.0 is a release “mainly about increasing stability and having better error handling”, according to its developer.

But don’t let that put you off as the official change-log is fairly well packed with improvements.

For example, you can now move and resize the chat panel. Perfect for those times where you want to undock the chat window and place it elsewhere on the screen. Just select the Move & resize chat option from the Edit chat submenu and then move and resize using your mouse.

Stream notifications are also back and working in this release, and notifications can be clicked to jump straight to the relevant channel or stream.

Something that often bamboozled me was the inability to search for offline channels. That’s fixed in GNOME Twitch 0.4.0 as a new search setting lets you specify that you want to see results for offline channels.

Other changes in this release include:

  • Stream quality picker
  • Display chat badges
  • Notification bar for queued alerts
  • Dynamic loading of items in containers
  • Viewer count for games

Getting GNOME Twitch

GNOME Twitch 0.4.0 is an open-source app and should run wherever GNOME does. You can download the latest source code from Github, or wait for the GNOME Twitch PPA to be updated (though as this hasn’t been touched in almost a year, I’m not too hopeful it will).

The app requires GNOME 3.20 or later, so if you’re running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, you can look but not touch.

GNOME Twitch is available to install using Flatpak. If you’re using Ubuntu 16.10  you should install Flatpak from its PPA first, and then run this command:

flatpak install --from

Arch users can install the latest version from AUR.

To learn more about the app visit the official GNOME Twitch website.]