Zorin OS 16.2 is now available to download.

This is the second point release of the Ubuntu-based distribution since Zorin OS 16 made its debut back in in August of last year, and is still based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Zorin OS 16.2 is said to “introduce refinements that elevate the desktop experience even further”.

Let’s take a closer look.

Zorin OS 16.2: What’s New?

Screenshot of Zorin OS 16.2

This version Zorin OS expands the (rather innovative) Windows app “support” feature. Users can now launch the “Windows App Support” app straight from the Zorin Menu. The database used to detect Windows installer files, provide assistance, and recommend native Linux alternatives has been updated.

“These improvements help take the guesswork out of running your favorite apps and games, regardless of which platform they were originally developed for,” Zorin OS lead developer Artyom Zorin says.

Screenshot of Zorin OS 16.2 Core

In another accommodation to Windows switchers Zorin OS 16.2 comes with metric-compatible alternatives to fonts commonly used in Microsoft Office files.

On paper the OS adding some extra sounds like a trivial thing but, as the images below show, Zorin has done a diligent job at making sure the replacement fonts as as-close-to-intended as possible – sans font licensing headaches!

Talking of office apps and document files, Zorin OS 16.2 ships with LibreOffice 7.4. Shipping the latest version of the popular open source office suite means users benefit from the better than ever™ compatibility with Microsoft Office files, faster startup times, and WebP support.

Other pre-installed apps in Zorin OS 16.2 Core:

  • GIMP 2.10.18
  • Firefox 106
  • Rhythmbox 3.4.4
  • GNOME Software 3.36.1
  • GNOME Maps 3.38.2
  • GNOME Calendar 3.38.2

Using Zorin Connect you can now see your computer’s battery status on your phone. The Zorin Connect app for Android also picks up some new features, including quick sharing of your phones clipboard, loop and shuffle controls for media playback, and the ability to configure left-click actions in the ‘Remote Input’ feature.

Finally, to end on something a little lighter: Zorin’s OS implementation of Compiz’s classic “wobbly windows” effect — Jelly Mode — has been revised and refactored to appear more jelly-like.

Download Zorin OS 16.2

Intrigued enough to try Zorin OS? You can download Zorin OS 16.2 from the Zorin OS website. It’s available in two edition: free, and pro. Zorin OS 16.2 Pro costs from £39 and includes additional preinstalled software, some extra desktop layouts, and the warm feeling of knowing you’ve helped contribute to its development.

The Zorin OS 16 release series gets software and security updates until April 2025.

If you run Zorin OS 16 you can upgrade to Zorin OS 16.2 directly. Just install all of the latest updates listed in the Software Updater.