RSS fans rejoice for a brand-new version of NewsFlash, a GTK RSS reader for Linux desktops, is out!

NewsFlash 2.0 is the biggest update to this nifty news reader for a while. It sees devs finish work on the much-anticipated GTK 4 & libadwaita port.

As a result, NewsFlash looks sharper, more refined, and a lot more consistent within itself. The app now boasts an adaptive layout that responds to screen width, letting the app work on mobile.

libadwaita allows for an adaptive layout

There’s also reworked tagging support in NewsFlash 2.0. This makes it easier than ever to tag articles you read with a new, custom tag of your choosing, or apply a previously created one. I find tagging a useful alternative to ‘favouriting’ articles (which this app also supports) as it helps you remember WHY you faved it!

Tags appear in the sidebar. You can’t specify a tag colour while creating a tag but you can right-click on a tag after it’s been created to ‘edit’ the name and change the tag colours.

Tagging has been refined

Other changes in NewsFlash 2.0 include the ability to set a custom sync interval; an option to sync feeds on startup; and a setting to hide articles dated in the future. The article view now lets you set your preferred content width and line-height, and lets you enter full-screen when watching a video embedded in an article.

New article view customisations

Finally, NewsFlash 2.0 adds support for self-hosted cloud services Nextcloud News & FreshRSS, thus the versatility and appeal of this nifty news reader. FYI: Feedly is no longer supported (blame Feedly). This means the full range of services supported in NewsFlash 2.0 is:

  • Fever
  • Inoreader
  • NewsBlur
  • Nextcloud News
  • FreshRSS
  • Miniflux
  • feedbin
  • Local RSS

In summary, a major update that avid users of the client will not want to hang-back waiting for. Performance does feel much improved, based on an initial prod about the app.

NewsFlash 2.0 supports system-wide dark mode setting, but many GTK apps (particularly ones that show a lot of text) offer a local dark mode option. Settings wise, that’s only “option” I find myself really lacking.

Install NewsFlash 2.0

Want to go hands-on with NewsFlash 2.0? You’ll find the latest version of NewsFlash on Flathub. The Flatpak build is the recommended way to try the app on most Linux distributions, though you can get older versions from the Snap Store, AUR, and (likely) a few other places too.