Fans of the Music Player Daemon (aka MPD) will no doubt be familiar with Ymuse, a GTK front-end focused on delivering a fast, responsive GUI for the MPD.

Last month the client received a notable update in the shape of Ymuse 0.21. This adds support for embedded album artwork, a new seek function, and an official Flatpak build available from Flathub.

While older versions of the player could display album art saved as an image file named ‘cover’ in the album directory it couldn’t load album artwork embedded in an audio file itself, which is what’s new here. Additionally, the developer has added a new album art image size setting, ideal for fine-tuning a layout that works for you.

It’s also possible to “seek” during playback in 5 second increments by pressing ctrl + shift + and ctrl + shift + respectively. You can configure seek duration via the Ymuse config file by modifying the PlayerSeekDuration parameter with a value (in seconds) of your choosing.

All of the new features mentioned above are in addition to the client’s existing feature set that includes, amongst other things, connecting to a local or remote MPD server, managing play queues, letting you browse and search an MPD library, and similar.

See our earlier article for more of an introduction to Ymuse.

Now, I’m not an MPD user (though I did try it for a while back in 2020) thus I can’t pepper this post with screenshots of all of these features (and my expansive collection of early 2000s pop punk) in action.

Helpfully, YMuse’s developer put together the following video or an earlier release to showcase the app in more glory than I can provide:

Keen to try it out on your Ubuntu system? You can get the latest release of Ymuse from from Flathub or the Snap Store or using the .deb packages available on the Ymuse download page.

Thanks Dmitry K.