Want to learn to use free office software LibreOffice? A new downloadable guide is on hand to help.

The LibreOffice documentation team has announced a new version of the ‘Getting Started Guide’, which offers “concise and pointed introductory text for LibreOffice applications”, including Writer and Presentation.

The suite ‘introduces’ the core modules of the suite, including the Writer word processor, Impress  presentations software, and more.

Advanced topics and features are not covered in detail. Should you want to learn more about a specific module of the famous FOSS office suite in-depth there is a separate module guide available for Writer, with others planned.

Naturally, the “Getting Started Guide” was both written and assembled using LibreOffice.

Updated version

And the release of LibreOffice 6.1 — which featured a raft of major changes and feature improvements — this guide is a wee bit behind the curve.

But not for long! The folks behind the handbook say they “…will begin the Getting Started 6.1 Guide project shortly.”

“The Guides update has been a very long process and revealed issues especially with revision, which is a very time consuming task and hard to carry out. A delicate balance is necessary between contribution and revision,” Olivier Hallot, Documentation Team Coordinator, explains.

Download LibreOffice Getting Started Guide

What’s really great about this guide is the range of formats that it’s available in. You can procure a .pdf file, choose an .odt document, or read it online via your browser.

The LibreOffice Getting Started Guide is also available to download as an .epub, meaning you stick it on your Amazon Kindle (or other e-reader) to follow along at your own leisure.

Download LibreOffice Getting Started Guide 6.0

ebooks guide LibreOffice