Last month saw Deepin 15.6, the popular Linux distribution based in China, hit download servers — but not everyone knows exactly what the distro is all about.

To help promote the latest release Deepin has put together a new promo video

So to help promote the latest release (and the distro in general) the folks at Deepin HQ have put together a sleek new promo video.

And it’s really good.

The 4:39 clip, posted to the official Deepin Linux YouTube channel and embedded below convenience, breezes through the many unique features that make the distro what it is.

There are demos of new features and changes (like the new app launcher), a gander at improvements to core system apps like Deepin Files, and a showcase of why the distribution is often considered to have the best Linux app store around!

Want to try Deepin?

If the Deepin 15.6 promo video tantalises your distro-hopping tastebuds you’ll be pleased to know there are a number of ways to sample the Deepin desktop for yourself.

For instance, it is possible install Deepin desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using a community-maintained PPA. Though this works (I’ve tried it myself) a number of the (rather excellent) first-party apps included with Deepin are not available on Ubuntu.

After a fuller experience? You may want to try the Manjaro community edition that uses the Deepin desktop (and many of its apps) is available. Not only i this perfect for dipping your toes in the Deepin pool but it has all the flexibility of Arch Linux to boot.

Finally, you can also download Deepin 15.6 (64-bit only) from the Deepin website.

Let us know your thoughts on Deepin in the comments below!