Ubuntu 17.10 desktop screenshot

Canonical has joined the GNOME Foundation Advisory Board.

“We’re extremely pleased [Canonical is] engaging with the Foundation and the community”

It’s a timely and logical appointment what with the recent Ubuntu 17.10 release being the first version of Ubuntu to ship with the GNOME Shell desktop environment by default.

But what is the GNOME Advisory Board?

Well, GNOME explain it as “…a body of stakeholder organizations and companies who support the GNOME Project by providing funding and expert consultation.”

Other members of the board include Google, The Document Foundation, Red Hat and SUSE.

In short, the board is there to help keep the GNOME project moving along by ensuring it has the resources and guidance it needs to achieve its aims, satisfy users, and so on.

Canonical’s Jamie Bennett says the company is “excited to join the GNOME Foundation Advisory Board to continue our collaboration in closer partnership.”

“Excited” — Has GNOME promised them cake and balloons?!

GNOME’s Neil McGovern welcomes the addition of Canonical to the board by saying: “Canonical brings a wealth of experience, and we’re extremely pleased that they’re engaging with the Foundation and the community.”

One imagines that a first draft of that statement had a “finally” in it somewhere ;)

The GNOME Foundation isn’t the only board Canonical sits on. It joined The Document Foundation’s advisory board last year, and is also a member of the Linux Foundation.