Reader Jamie P. pinged us over the weekend to let us know that a new version of LibreOffice, the popular open-source office suite, is available as a Snap app.

Jamie says LibreOffice is “so much better” than the previous Snap version, noting that it now ‘distinguishes the snap version’ in the Unity Dash (perfect if you install it alongside the regular apt version; adopts the default theme, and, though your milage may vary, ‘feels more stable’,

As I’m tethered to a data connection at the moment I’ll pass on using up 1/10th of my data allowance to install something I already have.

But if you fancy taking this new build for a spin — the Snap version can be installed alongside the regular repo version without issue — you installing using the command line:

sudo snap install --beta libreoffice

Be sure to report any bugs you encounter.

Thanks Jamie