A new version of the Electron-based Min web-browser is now available to download.

Not heard of min? Min is a desktop web-browser offering a unique, minimal UI that keeps out of the way.

It has several unique and novel features, such as a list-based tab switcher, combined URL and search bar that integrates information from DuckDuckGo, powerful history searching, optional dark mode. It also features fuzzy search and a built-in reading mode.

But the big “sell” of Min is the way it handles tabs, evening letting you group tabs in to separate ‘tasks’.

New in Min 1.6.0

Min 1.6.0, released this weekend, is the first major update to the web-browser this year. It doesn’t introduce any groundbreaking changes, with the developer instead opting to refine and finesse the features already present.

It’s not easier to reopen/restore a closed tab by pressing shift + CTRL + T.

It’s now possible to close tabs from the task overlay, search for tabs in other tasks using the searchable, and switch between tasks using keyboard shortcuts: CTRL + ] goes to the next task, CTRL + [ swoops you back to the previous task.

Accessing bookmarks is also easier in this release. Typing !bookmarks in the search bar now presents a list of your saved pages:

You can also search within bookmarks by typing !bookmarks hitting space and then entering a search term.

Other changes in Min 1.6.0 include some subtle tweaks to the look of error pages, and a fix for text selection using keyboard shortcuts.

Min 1.6.0 is based on Chromium 58 and Electron 1.7.4.

You can download Min web browser for Windows, macOS and Linux (including 32-bit Linux) from the project’s Github page.

Min Releases on Github