Github integration in Atom 1.18

Y’all love the Atom text editor. You can’t lie. I’ve seen download stats.

So you’ll be super stoked to know that Atom 1.18 is available for you to download — and it comes with a BIG new feature: git and Github integration.

Atom 1.18 has Github integration

“We’re thrilled to be shipping rich integration with Git and GitHub in Atom 1.18,” Github enthuses.

“This is merely the first release but we’re excited about what it already brings to the editor.”

But you know, for a first go, things are pretty well stocked from the off.

You can initialise and clone repos; you can branch, stage and commit); push, fetch and pull changes; resolve conflicts and review pull requests.

Yup, you can do all of the above from inside the Atom editor, the very place you create your code. And if it’s not enough there is a growing number of nifty community packages which can add addition features.

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Git integration works, the challenges faced in implementing it, and more technical details do check out this Github engineering post.

Other changes in Atom 1.18

Aside from  Git integration the Atom text editor also benefits from a smattering of bug fixes, and performance improvements. It also now launches correctly when run from the Windows Subsystem for Linux; improves autocomplete-html suggestions; and picks up settings for showing context in find-and-replace.

Download Atom 1.18

Github 1.18 is free, open-source software. It’s available to download for Windows, macOS and Linux direct from the Atom website (no shady middlemen required) and the Atom releases page on Github.

Atom text editor is now available as a Snap app, but this hasn’t been updated to the latest stable release as of writing.

As such, if you’re impatient (read: you want the git integration yesterday) you’ll need to download an old-fashioned installer and install it manually.

Do you use Atom? What do you like about this editor? Which packages do you always install? Let us know in the comments!