The official Ubuntu 17.04 ‘Zesty Zapus’ t-shirt is now available to buy from the Canonical store.

Canonical release a new mascot tee twice a year. Each shirt bears the animal motif of the latest release on the front, and the name of the release and Ubuntu logotype on the rear.

Ubuntu 17.04 Official T-shirt
The Official Ubuntu 17.04 T-Shirt

In honour of Ubuntu 17.04 the new unisex aubergine shirt bears the Ubuntu 17.04 ‘Zapus’ mouse artwork in a pumpkin orange colour.

Announcing the Ubuntu 17.04 codename last year, Mark Shuttleworth explained why he chose the Zapus mouse to be the ‘face’ of Ubuntu 17.04:

“We are a tiny band in a market of giants, but our focus on delivering free software freely together with enterprise support, services and solutions appears to be opening doors, and minds, everywhere.

”So, in honour of the valiantly tiny leaping long-tailed over the obstacles of life, our new 17.04 release, is hereby code named the ‘Zesty Zapus’.”

Where To Buy the Official Ubuntu T-Shirt

You can buy the official Ubuntu 17.04 t-shirt from Canonical’s online shop, where it’s stocked in one unisex fit and comes in sizes from small to XXXL.

The t-shirt is priced at £13.20 in the UK, which is roughly €17 in Europe. If you’re American you can expect to pay $16 or so for the artful apparel.

All prices above exclude postage, shipping and packaging costs.

Buy the Ubuntu 17.04 T-shirt

A number of older release t-shirts are still in stock, many at discounted prices. Check the ‘Sale’ section to grab a shirt of your personal fave or to plug a gap in your collection.