ramme desktop instagram uploading

The latest release of open-source Instagram client Ramme lets you upload photos to Instagram from the desktop.

The cross-platform, Electron-based app also lets you browse Instagram, search, like and comment on other users’ photos, manage your own profile, and view notifications..

But being able to upload to Instagram from the desktop? Well that’s the cherry on top!

Instagram Desktop Upload

Ramme is a desktop Instagram app

We’ve shown you before how to upload photos to Instagram from Ubuntu and other desktop operating systems simply by adjusting the user agent string of a regular web browser to one of a mobile browser.

But that workaround requires effort, right?

The latest update to Ramme makes using Instagram on the desktop effortless.

Ramme is a wrapper around the official Instagram website, exposing the mobile-specific features on non-mobile platforms. But it also makes a couple of tweaks of its own, like a custom sidebar and optional dark theme support, to help the mobile website work better on desktop.

This does mean that Ramme is only able to do what the Instagram supports. You can’t upload videos, or apply or edit photos that you upload. But since you’re on a desktop you can edit and apply filters using apps like GNOME Photos, Shotwell or GIMP and then upload them using Ramme.

Download Ramme Instagram Desktop App

And as a cross-platform app it doesn’t matter if you want to upload photos to Instagram from a Mac, Windows, or a nimble Linux laptop.

You’ll find installers and packages for all operating systems available on the Ramme Github page. Ubuntu users have a choice of traditional installer or a standalone .appimage:

Download Ramme from Github