Clipboard managers are ten a penny on Linux, and you likely have your favourites.

But if you’ve been looking for a searchable clipboard manager, check out Indicator Bulletin.

Indicator Bulletin is a simple clipboard manager written in Python and designed for handling text and code snippets. It not only logs text clipboard contents but lets you manipulate and search through them.

The applet is the world of prolific indicator baker SergKolo, who explains more about this creation on Ask Ubuntu:

Search functionality, in particular, makes use of Python’s re module, which means you can use regex expressions for more fine-grained search. Each text entry has 4 options in its submenu: insert text into clipboard, append text to the end of what’s currently in cliboard, prepend text to the beginning of current contents, and remove it from history.

The applet also offers some handy ‘edit’ operations too, including converting current clipboard text to uppercase, lowercase, and stripping whitespace.

Use the ‘Pin’ feature to stash your most commonly copy/pasted text snippets.

As of writing the indicator has pretty much all the essenital features covered, but the developer says he plans to add additional features in future releases.

If you encounter an issue or have a support request be sure to lodge it on the indicator’s GitHub page, where you’ll also find the source code available to download.

Install Indicator Bulletin on Ubuntu

You can install the applet from SergKolo’s PPA, which contains this and his other indicator creations.

As the PPA contains packages for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in addition to 16.04 LTS and 16.10 we’re using apt-get commands below:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:1047481448-2/sergkolo
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install indicator-bulletin