Wave the checkered flag because SuperTuxKart has been greenlit on Steam!

A notice on the SuperTuxKart Steam Greenlight page reads that ‘this game has been Greenlit by the community’. The game’s developers have since revealed that he game received more than 1,600 “yes” votes from the Steam community in its first 24 hours — a pretty impressive feat.

But what happens next?

“There’s still some work to be done before SuperTuxKart appears on Steam, including paperwork but also evaluating options for integration with the Steamworks API and how that can be combined with our GPL license,” ‘Sam uncle’, one of the main developers of the game, says in blog post.

It’s likely that SuperTuxKart will be available as a Steam early access title to begin with. This is to ensure that, ahead of a full release, the game is, as polished as possible.

The STK team also remains undecided about how they’ll approach paid content on Steam, but say they want to assure fans that ‘whatever option we settle on will remain in the same spirit as the current donations system and in a way that remains respectful’.

One possible option may be to offer the ‘SuperTuxKart gift package‘ as a paid DLC.

This gift package is available to SuperTuxKart fans who donate more than $2.99 to support the project financially (it’s a small team, after all). The gift package consists of a 2 extra tracks. Both tracks are set to be released under a free license in a future SuperTuxKart release.

Whatever decisions are or are not taken one thing is clear: Super Tux Kart will remain open-source software and the main game will continue to be available to download for free from the Super Tux Kart website and the archives of most Linux distributions.